Senin, 24 September 2018


By: Maritza Adelia Sucipto

Maybe you don't care
All of my stuff is about you
Random things that you don't really care, and maybe you don't know
I know it
The reason is you
Zero percent to believe that you notice that
And I already throw it, forgot it

Always remember that you are a stranger
Don't even care anymore about you
Except 'her', the girl beside you
Listen to your story is my favorite thing to do
I love your story
And now, that is the worst thing I ever do

Sorry, I hurt you
Use it to forget me too
Can't lift the weight
I'm tired
Please understand me
Tell everyone that you are okay
One day you will know the reason why I left you

Written by : MiiSsu ~ MiiSsu says :

Artikel Poetry of Name - MARITZA ADELIA SUCIPTO ini diposting oleh MiiSsu pada hari Senin, 24 September 2018. Terima kasih atas kunjungan Anda :) Hope you enjoy my blog :) Please write your suggestions :D

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